Borrowing Options
The libraries have over 16,000 titles in English and French!!
Books / Magazines / Audio Books / DVDs / BluRay / Puzzles /Nordic Ski Poles / knitting Needles / Loom / DVD Player / Soup To Tomatoes Exercise program
Genres We Have!
- Fiction
- Large Print Fiction
- Non-Fiction
- Birographies
- Teen Section
- Children Section
- Local History Section
- French Books
Borrowing Limits
- Books & Audio Books 3 weeks
- Magazines 2 weeks
- DVD / BluRay 1 week
- Puzzles 3 weeks
Renewals may be made in person, by phone, email or messenger
Holds may be placed through our website, by phone, email or messenger
Shut In Service Available
E-Books are available on “Libby” free with the use of your library card.
Interlibrary Loans
available for books you want but we don’t have!! Please leave us a message by phone, email or messenger of what you are looking for and we will do our best to find it for you!
Books For Sale
We have books for sale year round